As said on Wednesday the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic Martin Bartak, soldiers, Jan Cermak and Hynek Matonoha were expelled from the army, and their commander Peter Prohaska suspended from their duties during the investigation. Previously, Prohaska said that helmets, which had suffered Nazi symbols, as well as all the pictures from their image should be burned.
Двое офицеров чешского элитного подразделения, уличенные в использовании нацистской символики, были уволены из вооруженных сил, сообщает агентство CTK.
Как заявил в среду министр обороны Чехии Мартин Бартак, военнослужащие Ян Чермак и Гинек Матоноха были отчислены из армии, а их командир Петр Прохаска отстранен от своих обязанностей на время проведения расследования. Ранее Прохаска заявлял, что каски, на которые были нанесены нацистские символы, а также все фотографии с их изображением должны быть сожжены.
Nov. 6, when the scandal had not yet erupted, the Czech Minister of Defense personally awarded returning from Afghanistan Cermak and Matonohu. Information on the use of symbols of Hitler's army officers came to the press later, from the hands of the Czech police, working in Afghanistan. Bartak then stated that he would go to the most stringent measures to combat extremism in the armed forces, moreover, that the guilty officers represented the Czech Republic in an international contingent of NATO.
Symbols on the outfit of Czech special forces were associated with different parts of the Nazi troops. Cermak placed on the helmet logo of the SS Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen" and Matonoha chose the sign punitive Brigade "was averted," who became famous particularly brutal raids against the civilian population.
Symbols on the outfit of Czech special forces were associated with different parts of the Nazi troops. Cermak placed on the helmet logo of the SS Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen" and Matonoha chose the sign punitive Brigade "was averted," who became famous particularly brutal raids against the civilian population.
Символы на экипировке чешских спецназовцев были связаны с различными подразделениям гитлеровских войск. Чермак разместил на шлеме эмблему танковой дивизии СС "Гогенштауфен", а Матоноха выбрал себе знак карательной бригады "Дирлевангер", прославившейся особенно жестокими рейдами против мирного населения.
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